Ecommerce Services – What all you can sell online today!

Still under the misconception that those big banners, hoardings, and newspaper adverts can help you pitch the sales. Believe me, the times have changed and it's time for you to make the right move. The time demands taking your business online and making handsome profits. Taking business online will help you reach a wider audience across the globe with more power to sustainability.

Irrespective of the business (be it products or services), you can choose the right marketplace for your business. Ask your eCommerce services provider regarding the business models available. There are essentially three models namely Service Marketplace, B2B Marketplace, and B2C Marketplace. Depending upon your type of business you can choose them. Now Let’s have a look at some of the industries that can be taken online within a single day.

Grocery Store

Sell your vegetables, fruits, and other daily needs items over an eCommerce web portal. A well-designed eCommerce solution for grocery store offers easy addition and maintenance of products. The invoices and inventories can be managed with a single click. It not only helps to reach a wider audience but also reduces the extra effort wasted over manual calculations and works.

Gifts Store

Having a small gift shop? It’s time to expand beyond the horizons. The right gift store helps you to categorize your gifts according to age, gender, type, etc. You can easily manage your personalized items over there. Moreover, as the eCommerce portals are 100% responsive, this makes shopping on the phone fun.

Jewelry eCommerce store

Having a good reputation in the market? But what’s the use if no one outside the city knows you. An eCommerce jewelry store helps to build strong relationships across countries spanning international borders. The eCommerce store has inbuilt functionalities of tax and ‘making charges’ calculations. Thus, making the overall process easy and 100% genuine.

Book Store

Books Store and libraries require an extra effort in maintenance. The online eCommerce services make the complete process a child play. You can easily sub-categorize the books according to age, author, price, and subject, etc. An incredible book store portal helps the users in finding the book and offer easy & single page checkouts.

Shoes, fashion, and Apparel

You can easily take your fashion store online and make a profitable income from there. The main thing while exploring any fashion portal is that the UI should be navigation friendly. It should not be such that users feel lost and unable to find a direction to the previous links. The user is also allowed to share his views in form of feedbacks which will definitely prove a help for others.

Baby Products

Manage your baby store easily with eCommerce services. You can easily categorize them as per daily need items, clothing, diapers, etc. The working parents usually order while commuting as they don’t have time to visit a local shop and buy things. So it’s a golden opportunity to tap the potential buyers. The responsiveness of the website proves to be an added advantage.


Apart from product selling, even websites such as Zimmber and Urban clap offer services such as plumbing, beauty, photography, etc. direct to home. You can earn a good commission from them.

Bulk Products

Apart from retailing under the B2C model, you can also build a module in case you are a bulk product supplier. You can easily manage the logistic charges and other tax details along with the inventory and warehouse management.

This list is just a small snippet of what all things can be sold online. Go Bizarre, Join the revolution, and start providing your eCommerce services today.


If you have an ecommerce store where you are facing issues with ecommerce online marketplace we can help you analyse the reason behind the same.