Why Retaxis is a Good Choice for your Startup

We built Retaxis to scale as your business does.
The first version of the same was launched in 2010 when we created the first b2c marketplace for a client of ours. We were swamped with options to start an eCommerce website at that time but when it came to setting up a marketplace there wasn’t any.

The problem our customers faced was because of a changing business ecosystem and the emergence of Marketplaces that help buyers, sellers, and vendors to collaborate for any business transactions they can do online. They could be selling fashion or books or holidays for that matter. Retaxis has the capabilities to help you define the product types you want to sell and define standard operating procedures for smooth operations of the business.

Benefits for a Single Store Owner

A single store owner is someone who has his own brand to sell and usually owns what he sells online.

A platform that can take care of high traffic.

Easy to use, you do not need to learn or understand coding to operate.

Quick tools to setup and manage product catalog.

SEO Friendly with integrations for Google Analytics.

Tools to optimise conversions.

Pre-Integrated with Payment Gateways.

Shipping Automations with seamless logistics integrations.

Standard Operating Procedures for Returns inbuilt.

Source Code ownership

Competitive Pricing

Amazing Customer Support

Benefits for a Marketplace / Multi-Vendor Business

A multivendor e-commerce marketplace owner who is creating a collaborative platform for businesses to sell their product online.

Retaxis offers you solutions that enables transactions for B2B, B2c and Services Marketplaces.

Automation of Standard Operating Procedures for Seller Enrolment & Operations.

A dedicated seller panel not a pseudo seller panel.

Cloud ready with strengths to manage high traffic.

Automatic image optimisation.

Seamless Logistics Integration for Seller Shipments.

Self Ship option for sellers.

SEO Ready.

Adaptive Payments option Available.

API Driven to support data exchanges with third party softwares if needed.

Mobile apps for Buyers & Sellers both on iOS & Android platforms.

A multivendor e-commerce marketplace owner who is creating a collaborative platform for businesses to sell their product online.


If you have an ecommerce store where you are facing issues with ecommerce online marketplace we can help you analyse the reason behind the same.