6 ways to make your customers trust your E-commerce business

“Caveat Venditor”- seems familiar, right?

Flip across through your commerce textbooks, and you’ll know it means, “Let the seller be aware.”

Today “Caveat Emptor” (let the buyer beware) is a term that is long forgotten.

Having an e-commerce website in today’s scenario doesn’t mean selling products; it’s about building a network of loyal and trusting customers.

It’s hard not to find similar e-commerce sites selling the same things you are selling. Price is no longer the USP in today’s market.

As customers, the price being an important factor is not the only deciding factor. So given these many e-commerce sites, why will a customer choose your site among all the other dynamic sites? It’s a question of what we call “TRUST.” So building trust does not involve providing huge discounts and running at a loss. What you can do is follow a few easy steps to build trust for your buyers and expand your e-commerce business.

Create a dynamic yet simple website showcasing your products

It is important not to jam-pack your site with flyers and unnecessary options. Make sure to keep it simple. The signing up procedure must not be tedious, and the facility of remembering every search the prospective customer has made. Make sure to bring up the related results from the previous searches. Put in a pop-up box that asks the user for any preferences.

Don’t hide negative reviews.

As a customer shopping online, the feel of the product is missing, so the customer reviews come in handy for the user. The reviews are bad or good, show them without filtering and showing only the good posts. Remember, quality is long remembered even after the price is forgotten.

Post informative articles

Make it a habit to provide your customers with important statistics and information feeds that help the users of different products. This means to say you care for your customers.

After-sale feedback

Many e-commerce is content in closing a sale. But the real test of your customer relationship begins after the sale is closed. So send in queries to your customers asking for feedback, complaints, and suggestions. Ask your customers to take a little questionnaire to help you understand what they expect of you. Also, ask them to rate you at different areas of improvement

Prove to be a pro

The products that you are selling are to be understood by you as a seller first. So post informative feeds that show your expertise in the products you’re selling. By doing this, your customers will choose the products more wisely because you’re providing them with all the tips that they might have to get from elsewhere.

Implement a Payment Trust Seal

The biggest fear a buyer has today is the privacy of his information and security of his credit card details. To ensure this be sure you have added a privacy clause in your privacy statement and top of all, a payment verified seal-like Verisign Secure or Mcafee Secure Seal does indicate that you are serious about your business and do take care of customer’s sensitive information

Establishing that trust is quite a challenging strife with the competitors we have today. As we all know, trust cannot be built in a day; it will take time but trust me; all your effort to achieve this will be fruitful.


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