How to evaluate an ecommerce solution provider?

With the digital revolution, more and more entrepreneurs are shifting their business online but are finding hard to sustain due to a lack of knowledge. A good eCommerce provider will help sail your boat perfectly in the e-world. The internet is flooded with the eCommerce solutions providers but trying to get the real ones out of the noise is a challenging task. Here are a few tips which help you to orient in evaluating your eCommerce solution provider.

Cross-verify their Clients and Portfolio

Have a look at the websites they have developed and the partners they have worked with. Navigate few pages of the websites (mentioned in the portfolio). Make sure the websites have the features which the solution provider promises. Pay extra attention to the layouts, UI and the working process. This will help you in better understanding of your project as well. Carefully examine the checkout and cart building process. Some questions which you should be aware of:

Does the cart shows shipping charges? They shouldn’t be hidden.
Does a signup is required for shopping?
Try to navigate back in order to verify that the session is maintained and the cart still holds the products.

Search Engine Placement

The websites mentioned in portfolio should have a good Google rank placement. Try entering the complete URL of the website (pick some websites from the portfolio) in the Google search bar. The website should be available at least in the top 5 ranks. Non availability is a bad sign and you must look for another provider.

Responsive or Not

Grab your mobile phone or tab and quickly explore the websites listed over the portfolio. The design should stay intact. Any inconsistencies should be carefully examined. Follow the same procedure mentioned in #1 for checkout process. If the things are not falling in place or the navigation is cumbersome. It’s high time to switch to another eCommerce solutions provider.

Product and Category Listings

Providers such as Retaxis offer unlimited product and category listings. The categories and sub-categories make the searching process easier both for the admin as well as user. For example: Apparel is a very broad term, categorizing it into men, women, children, casual, formal , ethnic etc makes the overall process easier giving an extra boost towards UX.

The admin dashboard

Before making the final decision, ask you eCommerce solutions provider regarding the features in the admin panel and get a sample website tested. The admin dashboard must be user-friendly (Not everyone is tech-savvy), easy to navigate and must have provision for tax and commission calculations.

Last but not the least, enquire about the rates. A good solution provider will quote genuine rates and will offer services even after your website gets live. Retaxis is a trademark owned by CSTech and has been rated as the best and the most popular eCommerce solution provider globally. Retaxis offers the most affordable eCommerce solutions equipping with the right features and empowering your online portal grow as a BRAND in the e-world.

Find the right ecommerce marketplace platform

If you are struggling to find the right marketplace platform to start your online business, then we are here to help you. You can contact us for a discussion on your business model and get a free quote.